Spoiler Definitions and Behaviors in the Post-Network Era

The Media Marathoning researched forced me to think a lot about spoilers. Unless enjoying a whole season drop (such as Orange is the New Black or House of Cards), marathoners must time shift (watch episodes after their air date). Time shifting is an agentic move that allows viewers to watch on their own schedule; however, it opens them…

How to Safely Binge-Watch

Thanks to everyone who weighed in on the possible book covers. “Book Houses” is the winner. I liked both for different reasons, but I’m very pleased with “Book Houses” in part because I describe marathoners as residents of their story worlds. Describing marathoners as residents of their story worlds may make it seem like they’ve…

My Summer Vacation to Prison

The Media Marathoning blog was quiet in July as I finished up book manuscript revisions. Now that I’ve submitted those, I’m back to the blog to report on my summer television experiences. Summer’s release from the network and broadcast schedules opens many people up to a self-selected media infusion. Loads of us engage in what…