Media “Loves” and the Seven Year Itch

From Carissa Risucci: Throughout the course of this semester we have undoubtedly and comprehensively covered the addictive tendencies of marathoners and their compulsion to obtain as much information as possible about a narrative world. We haven’t, however, uncovered where the breaking point in this process lies. In other words: when does so much exposure become…

Music: A New Medium of Marathoning

By Meagan Holung: Ritualistically, when a favorite artist or band releases a new mixtape or album, my roommates are the first to download it.  After the download, they plug in whatever device (cell phone, mp3 player, laptop, etc.) they’ve brought the album to through Airdrop or iCloud. The beginning of the process to marathon an…

Being “In” on the Inside Joke

From Carissa Risucci: For some marathoners, the motivations behind text selection are rather simplistic. I found trends within my interviews of participants searching for, or more often stumbling upon, texts that they could relate to or that made them laugh and feel good about themselves. For others, however, text selection is much more strategic than…

Marathoners Anonymous

From Teddi Castle: I was talking to my husband about what to blog about for media marathoning class and he happened to mention that to him marathoning seems like an obsessive compulsive type of behavior.  According to Wikipedia, the definition of obsessive compulsive is, “an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension,…

Don’t Be Ashamed, LeBron

From Bre Page: As part of an independent study with Dr. Perks I held a focus group with Hunger Games marathoners and conducted interviews with TV marathoners. My research fostered some interesting results solidifying some hunches that I had, as well as highlighting two very interesting new concepts. First, I noticed that many of the…

Narrative Complexity on ABC

From Katie Bishop: After our discussion on Tuesday about narrative complexity, I began thinking about shows that I watch that encourage a more actively engaged viewer. One show that really stood out to me was ABC’s Once Upon a Time, a show about story book characters coming to life. This show is very complex, but…

Omne Trium Perfectum: Good Things Come in Threes?

In the end of July, Peter Jackson announced that The Hobbit would be split into three films. The decision was cause for concern, particularly among those who had a hard time picturing how a relatively short book would be coaxed into three separate films. (Would the story be sort of stretched, like butter scraped over…

Marathoning and Parasocial Relationships

Post from Student Kelly Oliver: Everyone has their own favorite actors or actresses. Whether its because you believe Julia Roberts can transition into any character flawlessly, or because you have a secret crush on Channing Tatum’s six pack we all have our own favorite that we love to watch. These relationships we form with our…

What’s Your Media Marathon Ritual?

From Steph Cerio: When it comes to watching my previously marathoned television series Pretty Little Liars, I have come to realize I am very selective when it comes to where I choose to watch the show, who I’m with, what I eat, etc. As you sit down to watch our favorite television series (my chosen…