Pandemic Malaise Recovery

Something exciting happened in the last few weeks. I started to feel energized rather than absolutely drained at the end of a teaching day. I’m excited to prep a new class for fall. Research has called out again. My thoughts have turned to long-term projects. In sum, the pandemic malaise has lifted. I wrote about…

Weird and Wonderful Fruiting Plants

This is the third blog post in my gardening series. Modern victory gardens are sprouting up in response to COVID-19, and plants are in high demand. This post focuses on some stranger options, which may be easier to find at this time than well-known varieties. Serviceberry: This native plant has beautiful white flowers and tasty…

Best Value Edible Perennials

Gardening has been an important hobby of mine for about a dozen years and a newish teaching/service interest (check out Merrimack_Garden on Instagram). Gardening provided a sense of peace, food, and all-ages activities when I was a new mom. I’ve needed gardening more than ever during quarantine to give me something meaningful to sink my…

Growing a Garden

With the world turned upside down right now, people might be thinking about picking up a) a fun, social-distancing friendly hobby that b) helps them provide sustenance in a way that is c) soothing and d) educational. This spring could be a great time to start or expand a fruit/vegetable/herb garden. I’ve done my best…